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How much can I borrow, how is this figure assessed?

One of the first things to find out before you start the journey of purchasing a home (besides saving for a deposit) is checking to see how much you can borrow - or what is called a borrowing capacity. This is calculated by using your current income streams, and inputting any liabilities or other debts/commitments (we will also need to add dependents, if you have any). This is a good indicator to then look at the price range of what is affordable - for you. While each lender calculates your maximum borrowing capacity using their own "serviceability calculators", we calculate your figures over all the banks/lenders calculators on our panel and we can then advise the amounts each lender is willing to offer you. We can also suggest ways to increase your borrowing amount if required. 
For example: Is there a credit card that you don't use, that is affecting your borrowing power?
The main point to note is your affordability. Maintaining a home  loan whilst accounting for living expenses without falling into hardship. Buy what you can afford. Lenders look at your income and liabilities/commitments and then calculate if there is enough to pay off a home loan.
Factors they look at are:
• Income from your work, other income like Family Tax Benefits. Also, commitments like credit cards or other personal loans etc.
• They also look at how many applicants on the loan and if there are any dependent children.
Please get in touch if you would like to know how much you can borrow. We have all the lenders calculators on our system so we can let you know the figures so you can make an informed decision when you're ready to purchase.